BloodLine Ministries

About BloodLine

BloodLine is a Christian music ministry family from Central Mississippi whose sound and mission reflect its founding members’ diverse musical backgrounds and life experienced. With songs born from the amazing things the Lord has been doing in their lives, their prayer is to be used by Him to draw many to Christ and encourage the church to go all in for the Kingdom.

When BloodLine serves at an event or service, they can make planning much simpler by providing the message as well as music. Woven into their original songs and other popular songs they cover; they have members who will present a Bible-based word and personal testimonies appropriate for the occasion.

BloodLine band was formed in 2021. God hand-picked each member and drew them to New Zion Baptist Church in Weir. Mississippi. This special church family is big on worship and supports and encourages them in everything they do. They serve as the worship team there and, alongside New Zion’s pastor, John Staszefski and several church members who are willing to pray or serve when needed, at the recovery ministry, God’s House of Hope in Kilmichael, MS. 

Each member has an awesome testimony of deliverance from things like drug addiction, alcoholism, depression, insecurity, and lukewarm living. They have each been through the fire and have learned to come through on the other side with joy. Their first songs were born from that. They hope to see the Lord use these songs and the message they bring to impact as many people as possible with the truths God has proven in them.

BloodLine has, very gratefully, expanded to have a team of inspiring, dedicated people that God sent supernaturally, who pray diligently, manage details, work with the technical side of things, lead Bible study for them, provide meals, and help with merchandise.

Their main goal is to carry the fire of the presence of God wherever they are called to serve. They hope to be an example of what it looks like when brothers and sisters in Christ walk in love and purpose together. They’re equipped to share the Gospel of Christ with the unsaved, to reach out to His prodigals who are slave to their sin and weaknesses, to spark hunger in those who are apathetic in their walk with Him, and to inspire all they encounter to fight the good fight. The Lord has consistently been confirming this ministry is on the right path with little miracles, words of encouragement, and real fruit. They are in awe of these things and know it will only continue to increase as they pick up their cross daily and stay in the will of God. Please keep this ministry team in your prayers as they seek to do just that.


Bloodline 2023

Nathan Mitchell

Lead Male Vocalist and Guitarist, Nathan Mitchell

"He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High will abide under the shadow of the Almighty."
PSALM 91:1

Nathan is a founding member. His leadership with love inspires and encourages everyone involved daily. He is faithful to hear from Holy Spirit before making decisions and stays motivated no matter what the enemy throws their way.

Bloodline 2023

Arielle Joy Ray

Lead Female Vocalist and Acoustic Guitarist, Arie Ray

"Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they shall see God."

Arie is also a founding member. Her heart for Jesus and for helping people come to freedom in Him is reflected in the songs she writes. Her lion/lamb personality and a wisdom beyond her years combine in one deeply beautiful soul.

Charlie Jones, Drummer
Bloodline 2023
Bloodline 2023

Charlie Jones

Drummer, Charlie Jones

"I can do all things through Christ
Who strengthens me."

Charlie is a founding member who came when his brother in Christ, Nathan, called needing drums to do a worship song justice at New Zion. He won the hearts of the other members of the worship team almost immediately and a family was born. Charlie is an awesome example of what it looks like to trust God in every circumstance. Everywhere he goes he tells somebody what Jesus can do if they'll let Him.

Garin Studio

Garin Mitchell

Bass Guitarist, Garin Mitchell

"My brethren, count it all joy
when you fall into various trials, knowing
that the testing of your faith produces
patience. But let patience have its
perfect work, that you may be perfect
and complete, lacking nothing.
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask
of God, who gives to all liberally
and without reproach, and it will be
given to him." JAMES 1:2-5

Garin is the most quiet of the band members. When Garin talks, it's with much wisdom and knowledge. He is an old soul who loves big and is always calm and steady.

Garin Mitchell, Bassist
Bloodline 2023
Bloodline 2023
Bloodline 2023

Brandon "Bear" Busby

Electric Guitarist, Brandon Busby

"For God so loved the world that He gave
His only begotten Son, that whoever believes
in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
For God did not send His Son into the world
to condemn the world, but that the world
through Him might be saved."
JOHN 3:16-17

Bear has a high stress job and is grateful for this family he can worship and serve God with in his favorite way: song. BloodLine values his wisdom, his honesty, and his level-headed perspective when times are hard.


Jennifer Busby

Keyboard Player and Backup Vocalist,
Jen Busby

"Sing to Him a new song;
Play skillfully with a shout of joy."
PSALM 33:3

Jen is a founding member. She loves her beautiful Jesus family and prays they never give up no matter how hard ministry life gets. Her greatest hope is to see each member walking in their full potential and reaching as many for the Kingdom as possible.

Bear Jen



Brother John is pastor of New Zion Baptist Church, where the BloodLine family was born and is planted. He and his wife, Cindy, are faithful in support, encouragement, and prayer. If you need a  church home, you could not ask for a better pastor and family. They are truly beautiful, humble, Sprit-led people.


Rob is one of New Zion’s Sunday Bible Study teachers and faithfully leads his Bible Study on Fridays, too, for the band members who miss Sunday mornings as they set up for service. He and his wife, Davette, are a dynamic duo of true surrendered prayer warriors. Davette is BloodLine’s manager, handling bookings, organizing the schedule, and whatever else is needed.


Brock and Becca are priceless. Brock is BloodLine’s sound engineer and helps with whatever is needed with anything digital et cetera. He’s working nearly every minute before, during, and after a gig. Becca keeps BloodLine well-fed with her wonderful cooking, is helping with merch, and is currently working to help get original songs published and marketed.


“Shuade” is our illustrious merch team. They are currently taking it easy, though, as they get ready for the arrival of their firstborn.


Michael, pastor of Oak Grove in Noxapater, MS, is BloodLine’s brother in Christ. Michael supports BloodLine in prayer and with words of wisdom. He’ll be a regular contributor to BloodLine Ministries’ upcoming blog page.


Matt and Arie were married in September of 2023. Matt is a multi-functional member of BloodLine Minsitries. He can run sound and monitors,  and leads Bible Study when Rob is out.


Nathan’s wife, Siegelinde, is the beautiful soul behind the scenes who always has an encouraging word and a hug. 


Mason is Charlie’s drum tech. He helps load, unload, and set up equipment.